Lobelia inflata

Lobelia inflata

Lobelia is recognized by eclectic doctors as a systemic relaxant.  In the lungs it relaxes the smooth muscles from the bronchi clear to the bronchiole levels.  It increases expectoration, and reduces smooth muscle spasms.  This makes it a great choice to treat asthma,...
Arnica Montana

Arnica Montana

Arnica will relieve pain and inflammation in muscles and joints.  Therefore it is good for muscles that feel sore from overexertion, when movement causes muscle pain or soreness.  Anytime muscles feel bruised is a good time to use arnica. Tension headaches will...
Hypericum Perforatum (St John’s Wort)

Hypericum Perforatum (St John’s Wort)

Hypericum is best known for its effects on the nervous system. It is used to help with depression, anxiety and seasonal affective disorder. Hypericum has several constituents to address this but not in high enough concentration to explain its effectiveness. (Probably...
Hammamaelis virginiana (Witch Hazel)

Hammamaelis virginiana (Witch Hazel)

Hammamaelis is used to treat wounds, bruises, inflammation and soreness from overexertion. Its actions target blood vessels in particular.Hammamaelis soothes inflammation. It has antioxidants which helps to prevent widespread inflammation by neutralizing free...
Calendula Officianlis

Calendula Officianlis

Calendula Officianlis (Pot Marigold, Marigold, not the same as the ones grown in most gardens) This herb promotes the healing of wounds. This includes cuts, scrapes, burns, rashes, bruising, ulcers, broken bones, even torn muscles.Calendula is anti-bacterial,...